Lotus Mudra

About us:

Lotus Mudra Co., Ltd. was formed in 2018 to support Internet Exchange services in Myanmar before Myanmar Internet Exchange Association has been formed officially.
After forming Myanmar Internet Exchange Association Inc. (MMIX Inc.) in 2021, Lotus Mudra handed over the Operations, Assets and Liabilities to the Association.
Lotus Mudra shall keep supporting MMIX for the development of Myanmar Network Communities.

Mutual Agreement:

Agreements with MMIX members who are Internet Service Providers were changed into the name of MMIX Inc. and agreements with the members who provides CDN services are still in the name of Lotus Mudra.
To keep operational smoothness, Lotus Mudra and MMIX Inc. mutually agreed

  1. To corporate toward the development of MMIX.
  2. To corporate and mutual assistance to host technical trainings and activities.
  3. To corporate and mutual assistance to the operations of MMIX.
  4. To corporate and mutual assistance executing the future projects relevant to MMIX.
  5. To corporate the performing of the ongoing agreements of MMIX with third parties.
  6. Lotus Mudra shall keep representing MMIX for the ongoing Agreements with third parties till migration to MMIX Inc.
  7. MMIX Inc. shall take responsibilities of the performing the ongoing agreements that signed by Lotus Mudra for MMIX operations.


Lotus Mudra shall setup Internet related infrastructure to support smoothness of Myanmar Internet Services.
Lotus Mudra shall also setup Internet content infrastructures to support and promote Myanmar Contents.
Lotus Mudra shall also consider other Internet Services, especially supporting to Myanmar Communities.

Lotus Mudra Co., Ltd.

2nd floor, Building 18, Myanmar ICT Park, Hlaing University Campus Road, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: +959881312340; mail: noc@lotusmudra.net